International Women’s Day: Q&A with Devika Mohabir

By admin
March 9, 2021

Territory Celebrates International Women’s Day: Q&A with VP of Operations Devika Mohabir

At Territory we know that women of all backgrounds impact the world every day, and we are so proud to have a majority female executive team to lead us through thick and thin. To celebrate these incredible women, and all women on International Women’s Day and throughout Women’s History Month, we sat down with our female executives to speak about their journeys and how they got to where they are today.


How long have you been with Territory and what do you love most about working here? 

I’ve been with Territory for 6 years. Without hesitation, what I love most is the people I get to work with every day and the mission of what we want to do for our customers and community. In my time here, many things have changed but those 2 things remain constant.


What is your role at Territory and what do you do? 

I am the VP of Operations. I’m responsible for the overall health of our national operations and logistics, ensuring the best possible outcome for our stakeholders and our customers.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, can you tell us who your female role model is? 

There are many females in my life that I would consider my role models – they made me who I am today and all for different reasons. The 2 closest to me are my mother for her independence and resilience and my sister for her ability to connect and care for any and all people. Then of course there are the women I see as game changers of our society like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Michelle Obama that will forever be on this pedestal for me.


Territory’s executive team is led by women. What’s that like, and how does that compare to the industry as a whole? 

It’s so powerful for me to have a team of women at my side, and just as important that while we all have the same overall values, we are all different. There is a great level of respect from everyone on our team as well as a shared drive that really inspires me to be my best. I’m so grateful for this team because, as with any industry, it’s not often you get a group of smart, passionate, dedicated women who get to lead a business together.


What will be the biggest challenge for the next generation of female leaders? 

I hope I’m wrong but I think it will be that they are seen equally {to their male counterparts}. We’ve come a long way but I think we’ve got a long way to go.


What advice would you give women who want to be leaders? 

Be authentic and true to who you are. Be confident. Be focused. Surround yourself with others who are doing the same.


Thank you, Devika, for all of the incredible work you do for Territory!


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