Whole30 Day 23: Living that Pug Life

By Tara Clever
May 3, 2019

Reporting live from Day 4 of Life Lived Mostly Horizontally.

I was so stoked to read about Jen’s brush with Tiger Blood that it got me thinking as I laid in a predominantly prone position, how would I describe my status right now?

Well, Monday was definitely Great Granddaddy Tortoise Blood. Those guys live to to be 150 years old and they are not fast movers even in their prime. I was definitely pumping the blood of the oldest tortoise out there, just inching along trying to gnaw on some lettuce and wait for the end.

Tuesday was more like Sloth Blood. I could get myself somewhere as long as I could just stay there, and movement to said position was slow going. Only activities completed were ones able to be completed from a resting state.

Today was definitely Pug Blood. Generally subpar air-through-face abilities, lots of eyes closing involuntarily, but when motivated, movement was possible! Being out of my home, off of my couch, and in the Land of the Living was as motivating to me as a pug dancing for a hot dog.

So leave my house I did.

The unfortunate thing about living that Pug Life is that four hours off the couch results in a subsequent crash including much napping and loud snoring, which are sadly not the interesting and exciting things of which blogs are made.

Although, I am happy to report that I am still 100% Whole30 compliant and I am the proud completer of Day 23. I am also quite certain that my compliance, even in the face of Viral Life Ruiners, has reduced the duration and severity of this unfortunate health situation.

Additionally, I’ve now proven that I can read and write in the Day by Day journal while the recipient of Granddaddy Tortoise Blood, Sloth Blood and Pug Blood which further demonstrates the value of this work of literary and motivational genius across species.

The final thing I will note before falling asleep for the fifth time today is that it is ill advised, even as a seasoned Whole30 veteran on Day 23, to watch the Chef’s Table episode featuring the woman who built her culinary career on her obsession of bread and cheese. I had to turn it off.

So grateful for Jen and her most recent post to shine a light on the path ahead and what I have to look forward to. For all of our fellow Whole30’ers I hope you are basking in the glory of Tiger Blood and celebrating as we round the corner to the last week of this journey, reintroduction and Food Freedom Forever!

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