Whole30 Ramp Up: Ready, Set, Reset.

By Jen Burdick
May 3, 2019

As we approach the dawn of a new year, it’s natural to reflect on the last trip around the sun and set intentions about what we want out of the next go ‘round. What also seems to be universally true, this reflection typically happens while dunking each of your 15 cookies in eggnog. In the back of your mind, you whisper sweet promises to yourself that you’ll get back on track in January.

Well friends, we’re in this together. We know the struggle. In January, Territory’s supporting a number of wellness challenges including partnering with Whole30 for their #JanuaryWhole30 to support those in our community craving a reset. A few tips, tricks, and supporting offer below.

What’s Whole30, you ask? Whole30 is an internationally acclaimed, 30 day elimination diet that aims to provide you with the will and knowledge to regain control over food. For 30 days, you eat nothing but whole, real foods: learn more about what’s in and what’s out. The reset, while only 30 days, leaves you with a healthier digestive tract, immune system and metabolism, and the power to make informed decisions about how you fuel your body on the daily. Tools that truly end up feeling like a heck of a life changer.

The Territory crew digs what Whole30’s all about, and we’re honored the feelings are mutual, as we’re in some rarified air as a Whole30 Approved Partner. We fancy ourselves as a Whole30 sidekick…the Robin to their Batman, as it were.

Whether you’re a Whole30 novice, or an experienced vet looking to hit the annual reset button, we’ve compiled some best practices to help with your #januarywhole30 crush plan:

  • Bury yourself in the Whole30 Recipes Instagram account. Find some ideas that get you really jazzed and schedule them throughout the month. Variety is the key to combating the food grumpies. Personal fave: Buffalo Chicken Meatballs by PhysicalKitchness (also worth a follow).
  • The journey is categorically better with friends. Recruit your fam and pals, and lean on them for accountability, commiseration and shared Non-Scale Victories. The Territory fam has our mighty crew ready to tackle the journey together. We’ll be writing about it here, too.
  • Map out your month. If you know there’s a crazy week in January, plan ahead for it so you aren’t left gnawing on jerky and wishing you had a cheeseburger. Hunger with no plan is a recipe for disaster on the Whole30 journey. Territory meals (thanks to the nifty Whole30 menu filter) can act as a survival kit during the extra busy stretches.
  • Melissa’s the fearless leader of the Whole30 movement. Her account is rich with motivation, helpful tips and her forever flawless hair. She truly embodies the spirit of Whole30 and is a crucial voice to have in the back of your head when french fries are calling your name.
  • When it doubt, consult the experts. From google search tips, to forum discussions, Whole30 crew has carefully curated support to guide you through your journey. Have at it here.

Whole30’s aim is to teach you a new way of eating — one that’s sustainable well beyond the 30 day reset. We hope we can act as your ripcord, your sidekick when things get cray, and your key to compliance when you can’t stomach another boiled egg. #eggsaustion

Happy Whole30-ing! We will see you out there…after this last cookie.

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